Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Thirteen Songs for Walking

>From: "scott m. stimac"
>Subject: Lungfish, Greatest Hits
>Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 12:27:21 -0700
in chrono-order:
1)friend to friend in the endtime
2)mother made me
3)**the song alec mackaye sings on towards the end of the song screaming"we're ready all ready all ready*** drawing a blank on the name.... (You might Ask Me What)
4)cleaner than your surroundings
5)to whom you were born
6)you did not exist
7)shed the world
8)love will ruin your mind
9)god's will
10)space orgy
11)the words
12)love is love
13)way out is the way out
Damn, Scott threw down the gauntlet, but he forgot Creation Story. I guess I need to compile my own track list. If you’re interested in joining the fray, email you're top 13 Lungfish songs to Greydon_Clark_bmf @ I’ll compile the results in a Greatest Hits CD.