Wednesday, April 20, 2005
We Are The Damned
The federal judiciary is target de jour of Christian fucktards in Congress and Churches across the inbred South. Raise your hand if Tom DeLay and John Cornyn's recent spat of inflammatory proclamations against federal judges made your blood boil. Pick up a brick if you find it painfully obvious that their comments reflect a larger scheme to reshape federal courts. Clearly DeLay and his cronies in the GOP are implementing a multi-pronged strategy to pack the nation's courts with ideologues loyal to the Vampire Cult. The nomination of extremist judges, the campaign to eliminate the filibuster, and the attempt to break up the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals are each part of a larger picture. DeLay and friends want to develop a court system with predetermined outcomes.
In eighth grade I learned that federal judges receive lifetime appointments so they can make decisions that are independent of the current political climate. But when the courts decide it is okay to let a human vegetable die, be forewarned, the powers are going to fix the problem. Any Mormon worth his second wife knows that the easiest way to ensure that the courts produce the "right" decisions is to jettison the notion of balance and nominate and confirm loyal ideologues. Under the current Senate rules this is very difficult, but majority leader Bill Frist is considering changes to make it much easier. The "nuclear option" would eliminate the minority party's ability to filibuster and, in practice, allow the majority party to confirm nominees to the federal bench at will -- independent of how extreme, unqualified, or unacceptable to a broad constituency of Americans the nominee is.
Great, I can’t wait until we have fuckers like current Ninth Circuit nominee William G. Myers making decisions that affect us all. When employed as a lobbyist for the mining and cattle industries, this douche filed two amicus briefs with the Supreme Court arguing it was illegal for the federal government to enforce the Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts. Who knows what kind of slobbering ghoul Bush has waiting in the wing to fill the looming Supreme Court vacancy.
But why should the good soldiers in Christ’s army settle for changing Senate rules when they can change the entire federal court system? In October 2004, the House of Representatives voted to split the Ninth Circuit federal appeals court into three new courts. Why? The Ninth is delivering decisions unacceptable to the red necks in rural California, Oregon, Washington and the welfare whore in Alaska.
We are the damned.
In eighth grade I learned that federal judges receive lifetime appointments so they can make decisions that are independent of the current political climate. But when the courts decide it is okay to let a human vegetable die, be forewarned, the powers are going to fix the problem. Any Mormon worth his second wife knows that the easiest way to ensure that the courts produce the "right" decisions is to jettison the notion of balance and nominate and confirm loyal ideologues. Under the current Senate rules this is very difficult, but majority leader Bill Frist is considering changes to make it much easier. The "nuclear option" would eliminate the minority party's ability to filibuster and, in practice, allow the majority party to confirm nominees to the federal bench at will -- independent of how extreme, unqualified, or unacceptable to a broad constituency of Americans the nominee is.
Great, I can’t wait until we have fuckers like current Ninth Circuit nominee William G. Myers making decisions that affect us all. When employed as a lobbyist for the mining and cattle industries, this douche filed two amicus briefs with the Supreme Court arguing it was illegal for the federal government to enforce the Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts. Who knows what kind of slobbering ghoul Bush has waiting in the wing to fill the looming Supreme Court vacancy.
But why should the good soldiers in Christ’s army settle for changing Senate rules when they can change the entire federal court system? In October 2004, the House of Representatives voted to split the Ninth Circuit federal appeals court into three new courts. Why? The Ninth is delivering decisions unacceptable to the red necks in rural California, Oregon, Washington and the welfare whore in Alaska.
We are the damned.